Thursday, September 26, 2013

Awesome Deal on National Geographic

I was out, trying to waste time mostly. I decided to swing by the library and noticed they had a "Friends of the Library Book Sale". Right near the entrance, there was this amazing deal. 52 hardcover National Geographic Society books! The two that aren't pictured are America's Wild Woodlands and America's Majestic Canyons. They didn't fit in the boxes.  Tip from me, check your library sales, your resale shops, and ANYWHERE you might be able to find an amazing treasure like this!!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Find the letter A

I bet you're out there, Googling for some free homeschool worksheets. I'm sitting here, waiting until my own son is old enough for homeschooling. Sometimes I search for my own materials but its hard to tell if I'm going to be working through the material and end up Creationist Land. Not every homeschooling family is religious.

Anyway, here's your free worksheet! Just click the border to be taken to a page where you can download it.